He’s already 9 months old (time flies), so it’s about time to introduce the newest addition to our crazy crew…Rio Riggs. He’s the sweetest little guy, with the biggest smile in the world. He loves us just as much as we love him. He’s cute, cuddly, and deliciously plump!
And now for the reality…He loves us so much that he doesn’t like to do anything on his own. He always wants to be held. He wants 100% of everyone’s attention. He eats all.day.long. And the worst, for the first 9 months of his life he slept through the night a whopping one time. Yep, one. Luckily, we’ve settled into a good routine the last few weeks, and he is finally sleeping!
Adjusting to three kids is certainly tricky. We are beyond blessed with our two older kids in that they are extremely mature, responsible, and self-sufficient for their ages (6 and 5). There have been countless nights where Dad is working late and I’m trying to cook dinner and I’ve have had to rely on the two of them to entertain a fussy baby with their silly antics (sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t).

I’ll admit that having three kids has definitely been a bigger adjustment than just two, but I don’t think it’s nearly as scary as people make it out to be. One more person to love is always a good thing! Plus, he’s just so stinkin’ cute!

What a cutie pie!!!!