Every January I set a goal of how many books I would like to read throughout the year. For instance, 17 books in 2017, 18 books in 2018, and so on. I figured I could keep going with 19 books in 2019, but instead I’ve decided to try something a little bit different this year.
Being in a book club last year really opened up my reading world to a lot of books that I wouldn’t normally have chosen on my own. Of course that meant that there were a few that I didn’t particularly enjoy, but for the most part, it gave me an even greater sense of satisfaction to finish something outside of my comfort zone. So, for 2019 I’ve decided to go ahead and set my goal of 19 books, with the stipulation that 10 of those books will come from the following criteria.
- 1 Autobiography or Memoir – I really want to read Michelle Obama’s Becoming, so this will be an easy one to check off the list.

- 1 Nonfiction – I’m leaning toward a true crime book in this genre (either I’ll Be Gone in the Dark or All-American Murder), but part of me feels like that would be cheating since I tend to choose mysteries and thrillers as my go-to books. I need to do some research here and find something else that catches my interest.

- 1 Historical Fiction – Historical fictions aren’t my favorite, but they do draw m3 in and help me imagine life in different time periods. My mom loves WWII era fictions and nonfictions, so I’m sure she’ll have plenty of recommendations. Right now, I’m leaning toward The Nightingale in this genre.
- 1 Young Adult – I’m always a fan of a good YA book. They’re usually a quick read, and I haven’t picked one up in quite a while. Maybe I’ll read Puddin’, which is the sequel to Dumplin‘ (which I didn’t actually read, but watched on Netflix). All the Little Lights has piqued my interest in this genre too.
- 1 Audiobook – I love listening to audiobooks and podcasts in the car. Now that I’m at home with the kids, I haven’t really had the chance to listen to any. Maybe once Baby #3 comes and I can get back to the gym I can pick up a good audiobook to pass the time on the treadmill. Any suggestions here?
- 1 Romance – I always say I’m not a fan of romance, but then I read one, and almost always end up liking it. I’d love to find a good Nicholas Sparks book that I haven’t read (it’s been a few years) or finally try one by Nora Roberts.
- 1 Recommendation from a Friend – My Facebook and Goodreads friends never fail to disappoint. Any time I ask for recommendations I always get a lot of great feedback. I’ve already got several on my waitlist at the library, so this should be an easy category to check off my list.
- 1 Acquaintance Author – In our nomadic lifestyle, we have many EFMs (eligible family members) who follow their spouses across the globe and have to reinvent themselves and their careers at each new post. Because of that, many of them have taken their experiences and made them into books, or used their new free-time to become authors in various genres. I’d love to support a fellow EFM and their under-recognized talent.

- 1 Geographical Book – I’m hoping to find an interesting book set in the country of Georgia. I did find one that I bought for Chad for Christmas – The Spy Who Was Left Behind. It’s the true story of the murder of the CIA’s station chief in Georgia shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union. I might have to borrow it! I’m also open to checking out a nonfiction or even a history of the Soviet region to gain some insight into our next destination.
- 1 Series – So I just discovered that there is actually a series called Knitting in the City. Seriously! Now, I don’t knit – I crochet, but it still looks like a witty little series, so I might read the first one to check it out and see if it will fulfill my series goal. I also loved Harry Potter (of course), The Hunger Games, Outlander, Game of Thrones, etc so if anybody can recommend another series I’d love to hear it. There’s nothing better than finishing a good book and knowing that the next one is already waiting for you!